Tour de Fleece

Mon, Sep 6
For those who think I have gone totally balmy talking about a ‘Tour de Fleece’ – n... Read More

Knitting Saves Lives

Sun, Sep 5
Literally. Knitting and spinning has come to my rescue many times over the years. It has given me so... Read More

Handspun Cable Jumper

Sun, Sep 5
Done! Finito! It’s finally completed! Considering the time it eventually took, I’m pleas... Read More

Writing a blog

Mon, Apr 26
Writing a blog, or article, for someone who is an editor but not a writer is definitely a challenge.... Read More

Living with Alpacas

Wed, Apr 21
Alpacas are one of the most adorable farm animals you will ever come across. They are environmentall... Read More


Sun, Apr 18
This poem came to me while sitting outside my home, watching the trees, clouds, birds and bugs.   I... Read More