
Dog Rescue Industry in Australia

You know when it all gets a bit too much when you cannot find even a few minutes to sit and spin. That’s when something has to change. It did, though I’m not sure it will give me more time…

A couple of months ago, an eight month old puppy arrived, a rescue pup actually. Very cute and lovable, and she will become a shadow to my six year old granddaughter. This little girl puppy is a poodle/silky terrier most likely, with more poodle characteristics than silky though she has a crinkly double coat and doesn’t miss a trick. Having been ‘rescued’ only a few months ago by a very nice lady, she is still recovering from her experiences and has a long way to go but is already settling in well and has made herself right at home.

I find it absolutely incredible the huge ‘industry’ that has sprung up with rescue dogs. One cannot simply visit the pound and find a dog for free or little cost anymore. Its costs around $300-$400 to bring one home. That in itself would put many families, pensioners and older people out of the loop in being able to help rescue a dog – and there are many hundreds of them around Australia. It leaves one wondering what will happen to most of these poor animals that have been deserted, abused, lost or just not cared about.

Then there are the ‘foster home’ carers that also charge a fortune for the ‘rescue’ dog. If one takes on foster dog, they do it because they want to help the dog, not because they can make some money out of it. One such case a little while ago, this ‘rescue carer’ had to find a home for the dog quickly, but she would not let it go to a good home for free, she still wanted $200 for it and would not budge. I expect the dog is still waiting for a new home. On the whole the people who look after these animals do an excellent job, but those who try to profiteer are the ones who will give the whole dog rescue scene a bad name. There are many people who would love to give these animals a good home but simply cannot afford the incredibly high fees that are now being charged.

Its not only rescue dogs that are being exploited. Even dogs that were once classed as ‘mongrels’ are now being sold for many hundreds of dollars, especially if the puppy was a mistake mating between two ‘purebred’ dogs. What a rip 0ff! Again, it would be a miracle if many of these dogs found homes.

And it doesn’t stop there. When it comes to ‘Urgent home’ wanted for pets where the owner cannot keep them for whatever reason, the majority are still charging and expecting, and arm and a leg instead of giving them free to a good home.

To those who think charging hundreds of dollars and thinking it will make the prospective home a better one need to think again. Accepting a large payment for a dog does not guarantee that it goes to a good kind home, these people can also abuse the animal – and do.

A house in the neighbourhood had two purebred samoyeds, a breeding pair. These two beautiful dogs were kept in a very small backyard, never taken out of the yard, never exercised, never given any attention, come rain or shine, mud or whatever, two miserable, always barking, very dirty dogs were finally rehomed somewhere else – or at least I hope so. They left the yard and have not come back so hopefully they are happier where they are now to where they were before.

It took quite a while, but my daughter finally found ‘Millie’ the rescue puppy, the newest member of her household – Free to a Good Home! And what an excellent home she will have. She will be loved and cared for and she didn’t cost a cent!

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