Warm and Woolly

Sat, Oct 8
Finally finished the socks – and sooooo warm and comfortable. Knitting socks is so easy, once ... Read More

Socks, and More Socks

Mon, Apr 4
Seems the ‘sock bug’ is going around. And I caught it. After recently completing one pai... Read More

Hand-made Knitting Bag

Sun, Feb 27
Nothing quite like Hand-Made. It’s unique. And that goes for my new knitting bag, made for me ... Read More

Weaving a Persian Rug

Fri, Feb 18
It finally happened. And quite unexpectedly. The knitting has taken a back seat while I explore the ... Read More

Knitting for Therapy

Mon, Oct 11
Those of us who have been knitting for many years do not think about it as being a therapy, we just ... Read More

Tribute to Yankee

Mon, Sep 6
Yankee was a friend’s beautiful German Shepherd. He lived a good life and was dearly loved. I ... Read More