Handspinning Basics

Back on the Crafting Journey…

It has been quite a while since I had time to update my website, and now that things are settling down a little its time for The Woolly Mother.  Much has happened since my last post – moved a couple of times, health issues with my grand daughter, and other ...

Wool Preparation

Washing fleece can be achieved in a number of ways. By soaking in cold water to retain the grease but remove the dirt. How long the fleece is soaked depends on how dirty it is. Soaking the fleece in hot soapy water, to remove grease and dirt. Again, it depends ...

Production Spinning in Afghanistan

Spinning is a world-wide occupation, and still gaining momentum, either as a hobby or as employment. Women working at one yarn production company in Afghanistan are now able to spin with a spinning wheel instead of using a drop spindle. Production of spun yarn has thereby increased. With this new ...


Preparing the fleece for ‘woollen’ spinning is accomplished with hand carders. The following two videos demonstrates how to card the fleece to create ‘rolags’.





Wool Combing is another preparation process that can be undertaken. This method uses ‘pitch’ combs, with one attached to a table and the other doing the work of separating the fibres.


Wool processing can also be done with a drum carder. It can save time as the fleece is carded in larger amounts at one time.



The above videos were found on youtube for your information and instruction.

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