It has been quite a while since I had time to update my website, and now that things are settling down a little its time for The Woolly Mother.
Much has happened since my last post – moved a couple of times, health issues with my grand daughter, and other bits that get in the way. At the moment, I am living on acreage, and sharing a house with my daughter and grand daughter. What a year last was – moving, setting up new vege gardens, busy with my book publishing, and very happy to see the end of 2021 with all its upheavals and chaos.
Needless to say, I am loving it here. A little out of town, fields all around me, cattle to watch, horses close by, and a few chooks of my own, couple of cats belonging to my daughter and grand daughter, and one ADHD Cocker Spaniel – going on ten but thinks he is still a six month only puppy, belonging to my daughter.
Last evening was cool, raining, so had all the windows open listening to the pitter-patter of the rain. Beautiful.
This year will be a good year for getting stuck into my spinning, knitting, and now Drop Spindling, which I took up a week or so ago. And thoroughly enjoying it. Am surprised at how quickly I have picked it up this time – must be in the timing as previous attempts always ended in disaster.
I have been a little naughty and splurged on a few new spindles, and carded fleece from the UK of various English sheep breeds. Now looking forward to everything arriving…
A couple of the spindles have arrived –
I started back onto the drop spindling with my Kundert spindle, which I bought a couple of years or so ago. Its beautifully made, with quite a big whorl, and well balanced and lovely to use.
And now have a few ”Cobs” as they spun singles are called, ready for plying.
Its a whole new adventure into the world of Spindling – but not forgetting my wheels either. More will be coming from those too…
’til next time….