I have finally picked up the needle again and started stitching. Cross Stitch. And thoroughly enjoying it. 😀 Already I have been playing with my Patternmaker for Cross Stitch program and experimenting with some new designs – albeit from images I have sourced, but they will be rather big, rather complicated, and use a lot of colours. Still, its quite exciting!

For some reason, I have this thing about the the Mediterranean at the moment, so have been looking for some nice pictures to convert to cross stitch.


Yes,  they will be a lot of work – but also a lot of fun. Both will take over 100 colours to the details of those pictures.

Also on the cards are more bookmarks. Another idea is cross stitch rugs. ‘Oh dear,’ you may say. ‘What a huge,’ project I can hear – but that all depends on the size of the rug, the design and the number of colours. Its something to look into…

I also have my Owls on the go as well – Only have one and a half owls done so far, so a way to go with this one.

They are so sweet, but have no idea what I am going to do with them when finished…

Well, better go and get on with some stitching. 🙂

Till next time…



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