Recently started is the Four Seasons design. It contains 69 colours with intricate mixes throughout the work.  The plan is to document the progress of the stitching so that you and I can see how I am moving along.



Above is the full picture showing all the detail. Started approx four weeks ago, but time has been limited so progress has been slow. I started on the left with the dome roof. This is it so far…

I intend to work each house across the picture one at a time.  Originally I was holding the fabric but as its so big, it became very hard to work with. Now I am using a Q-Snap from (you can just see the edge of it at the top of the picture e) and its much easier to handle.  I will increase the size of the frame to accommodate two houses, working on the tops, then the bottom half. 

To make it easier and quicker, I’ve just ordered an Edmunds Cross Stitch stand. Its quite versatile, with the frame holder able to rotate 360deg to be allow for starting and ending colours. It is on order and I should have it in a couple of weeks – so excited! 🙂

Image result for edmunds cross stitch stand

The plan is to make the q-Snap frame bigger for easier stitching. 





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